yoga exercises for weight loss

The article provides detailed information about yoga for weight loss, one of the most effective methods to eliminate body fat in different areas of your body.


Yoga classes require a special level of body flexibility, so it is recommended that you start your workout with a stretch. Such a complex is perfect for beginner yogis, preparing the body for a static load.

outdoor yoga for weight loss
  • Stand straight, put your feet together, lower your head down. Start slowly leaning down. Do not let painful sensations, strain one muscle. Try to push your chest to your knees, and spread your arms on either side of your legs.
  • Step one foot forward. Spread your toes out to the sides, and place your back foot slightly to the right. Bend slowly towards the exposed leg, trying to reach your toes with your hands.
  • Grab the corner of a wall or machine with your right hand. Hold your arm directly above your shoulder joint. Gradually turn your body away from your shoulders, stretching your chest muscles. Then change your hand.

yoga for weight loss

Why you should choose yoga:

  • as a way of physical activity, Eastern practice allows you to burn calories;
  • thanks to classes, the metabolism is accelerated;
  • healthy eating habits are acquired and the perception of a person's diet often changes.

There are many asanas in yoga. Some are aimed at developing flexibility, endurance and strength. What are the best asanas for weight loss?

The composition of yoga complexes aimed at losing weight includes asanas called shatkarmas. These are cleansing exercises that overwhelm the body with oxygen as much as possible, and are also designed to increase metabolism. Proper breathing, which is taught as shatkarmas, accompanies a person in his daily life.

The initial yoga complex for weight loss consists of simple asanas.

yoga pose for weight loss

Post Hero

Helps burn calories, strengthen the muscles of the body and legs. Develops endurance.

Starting position - standing, feet together. Take a step forward so that the back leg remains straight and the front leg is bent at the knee. Next, you need to raise your hands above your head and connect them with your palms. Hold this post for a minute.


Perfectly strengthens the hips and buttocks.

Take the posture of a warrior. With the leg in front of you, step forward, leaving the other leg straight. Extend your straight leg as far as possible. Lower your hands to the floor next to your feet. Maintain balance in this asana as long as possible.

Mountain Pose - Tadasana

Strengthens the muscles of the back, has a positive effect on posture.

Starting position - standing, toes touching each other. Stretch your legs and pull your stomach in. Straighten your shoulders and press your chest forward. Stretch your arms along the body. Rhythmic, calm breathing. Stay in the mountain pose for a minute.

dog pose

This basic asana allows you to stretch a large number of muscles.

To do this exercise, you should come out of the posture by moving your leg back. In this case, the pelvis must be raised, and the emphasis should be on the palms and feet. In this asana, the body should look like a triangle. After the asana, it is worth taking a posture of complete relaxation - shavasana (lying down in a comfortable position, relaxing the body and mind).

Continue from standing

From the starting position (the legs are even, slightly apart), taking a breath, bend down slowly, trying to wrap your arms around your shins. You must bend as much as possible, but not to the point of pain.

Position 30-60-90

The muscles of the press work out great, the stomach is removed.

Lie on the mat, stretch your legs forward. Then raise your legs above the floor so that they form an angle of 30 degrees with the surface of the floor. During this time, you must have time to take three breaths. Hold for a few seconds. Then repeat the same steps, but raise your legs already 60 and 90 degrees.

Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana

Stretches the shoulders, helps strengthen the spine, back muscles and buttocks.

Initial position - lying face down on the floor. Then, keeping your elbows as close to your chest as possible, try to stand up on your forearms, following the surface of the floor. After inhaling, gradually straighten your arms, raising your body as high as possible. You must hold this position for about a minute. Exhaling, put on the starting point.


Even such calm physical activity has contraindications. Do not practice yoga when:

  • hernia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • recent surgery;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tendency to high blood pressure;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • plebeurism;
  • pregnancy and lactation - partially.

It was yoga for beginners at home for weight loss. The exercises, as you can see, are quite simple.